
Wherever you are, be alert to God given assignments
In June we were in Italy sitting in a train station waiting to board. Then we received the announcement that the train would be delayed for an hour or more.
This seldom happens in Italy. Trains are “always” on time.
We met a young lady from New Zealand who was also waiting. We invited her to sit at a table with us and have coffee. We learned about her career as a photo pro and communications specialist. She has traveled much of the world in her work.
She grew up in a Roman Catholic school but lost interest in “religion“. She admitted that she still held the values she learned in RC schools, but wanted nothing to do with church.
We had a delightful conversation. I encouraged her to ask just one Question …
“Who is Jesus Christ and is He who He claimed to be?”
Did she believe He was the Son of God who came to die for our sins and give us the hope for life and eternity.
She said, “Yes, I do.”
Then I encouraged her to ask … “What is His plan for my future?”
We made the train, parted as friends, and were all thankful that God put us together on a train journey to refocus on life’s journey.
For Christ’s Sake,
Pastor Larry

Calvary Celebrated Our 60th Anniversary
For Christ’s Sake,
Pastor Larry

Wherever You Are, Be Alert to
God-Given Opportunities
So James, now 15, and his mom are alone. God gave me a heart for him. We asked about his interests and a very open conversation followed. He talked about his Roman Catholic Church experience and his questions. I felt led to share that God had a special plan for his life, and I encouraged him about his future and school.
After we left, Beccy and I both knew this was a God thing. We even thought it be wonderful to see them again. Fat chance with thousands of tourists in the city. Would you believe, the next day they were walking by the hotel where we stayed. James heard my voice and recognized it. He and his mom had talked about wanting to see us again. We walked out of our hotel and there they were!
He wanted a picture with us. We all realized God did it!
I believe God allowed me as a grandfather to be in the life of a fatherless teen, half-way around the world, to encourage him about claiming Christ’s future for his life.
For Christ’s Sake,
Pastor Larry

Remember Where You Came From
For Christ’s Sake,
Pastor Larry

Oaks Christian School
I told Sophia, my granddaughter, that I have a new job. She said, “Oh, you’re going to work at Walmart ?!“ No but…
I have been asked by Rob Black, Head of School for Oaks Christian, to assume a short- term leadership roll.
I will begin on Monday as “Interim Head of Spiritual Life“ during a season of transition. This includes all Bible teachers and chapel leaders. I have prayed for years that OC would stay true to it‘s foundations…. Christ centered and Biblically based.
Never thought I would be directly involved in answering that prayer!
Pray with me for wisdom to serve well.
For Christ’s Sake,
Pastor Larry

So, What’s Most Important?
When asked a final question before His death and resurrection, Jesus answered,
First love God and
then love your neighbor
– Matthew 22:37-39
(It’s easy if you are looking for opportunities.)
*Recently I was walking in my neighborhood, heard the paramedics and followed them to a neighbor’s house. They came out rather quickly, so I went to the door. I was welcomed in to talk to Marge, the resident. I asked if she was OK. She said, “I think so”…Then, with a sparkle in her eye she shared “I’m going to be 100 in September!” I prayed with her to reach her goal and celebrate her 100th birthday on earth, and when the time is right, to be welcomed to her eternal home by the Lord.
*I had breakfast with a young man at Stonehaus and encouraged him to reach for his life dream.
*As I was leaving, I met another young man I had never seen before. He shared some concerns and said, “I am moving out of California”. After a brief conversation, I asked if it was OK to pray with him about the move and his future. He answered, “of course!!” So we did, and he even gave me his email to keep in touch.
*Walking home I saw a neighbor who had a problem with her gate. I knew I had the tools and the fix would be easy. Later I went and fixed it … in 15 minutes!!
If loving your neighbors is
the Lord’s command
and your daily expectation…
opportunities will be obvious!
Just take the time and do it!!
For Christ’s Sake,
Pastor Larry

Calvary Community***
First Easter in Our new home!!
In the 1990s, Calvary Community was stuck in a warehouse that was simply too small for what God was doing …
It was the mayor of Westlake Village, Doug Yarrow, who proposed a potential new home for Calvary (and later for Oaks Christian School, too).
Could an old fortress left over from the cold war become a church home!?
Many doubted, but some dared to believe.
This was truly a mission impossible….but it actually happened!
Two weeks before Easter 1999, the construction project leader came to me and said,
“It’s not possible for us to be in this building for Easter.”
I responded, “Now that we know that, let’s pray that God will make the impossible possible!!”
Good Friday afternoon . . .
leaders were waiting and praying as the fire chief of LA County did the final inspection. He signed the occupancy permit!!
It was 3 PM….the same time we recognize Christ’s death on the cross and His final words,
“It is finished!”
We were in our new home for Easter!
Almost 7000 people came to the five services . . . the celebration center, which many thought was too large, was literally packed.
Many more people came than we could have had in the old building.
The fire chief came, and he and his family became followers of Christ and a part of the Calvary family.
Over 100 people met Jesus Christ that day.
What a glorious first celebration of Easter in Calvary’s new home!!

Beccy and I started our morning walk by the lake. She stopped and said, Let’s walk a different way today. So we changed course. As we walked, I remembered a friend whose address I’d just received yesterday. Their home was just ahead of us. Then I noticed the moving vans and the movers were starting to load.We walked up, knocked on the door, surprised these friends. They shared that they were moving; she’d just lost her father five days before and were caring for her mom!
The moving team declared they are followers of Christ.
We were privileged to pause and pray with our friends and the moving team.
- God LED Beccy to change course.
- He directed our steps on a different walk and changed our plans. (I need to listen to my wife more.)
- We were privileged to bring encouragement in a time of need. We were blessed, as well.
- More important than our agenda for the day, is His agenda for the day!
“My sheep listen to my voice … and they follow me” – John 10:27
Keep listening.
For Christ’s Sake,
Pastor Larry

Would you like to be amazed in 2021 . . .
. . . no matter what happens?!
I visited a young man in intensive care who was given 2 days to live. I taught him powerful truth from Philippians 4.
The next day, the medical staff called me in (I thought I was in trouble.) They wanted to know what happened when I was with him . He had had a radical turnaround after I left, and the medical team was amazed. HE LIVED!
Here’s what I shared with him:
STOP being anxious about things!
In everything
- Pray (all the time)
- Petition God (be specific)
- Keep saying “thank You, Lord”
God’s peace
will overwhelm you!
and it will guard you heart and your thoughts!
Think about these things…
- what can you count on?
2.what’s honorable?
3.what’s just?
4.what’s morally pure ?
5.what’s beautiful?
6.what do you admire?
(make a list for each of these)
This is His promise to YOU –
Phil. 4:6-9
For Christ’s Sake,
Pastor Larry

What are you thinking, and how are you responding to this Coronavirus catastrophe?…
Dear Friends,
Beccy and I are —
– taking precautions
– coming up with constructive (and fun) things to do at home
– calling and encouraging people whom God puts on our hearts.
*Yesterday was the best day yet! Here’s why . . .
we pulled out many old VHS videos
we remembered and relived great Calvary and family experiences . . . and we laughed and cried, feeling like they had just happened!
*We looked at a video of Calvary Community’s 20th anniversary celebration. It refocused our hearts on why God called us to California 44 years ago, and it reminded us that it’s all about people —
– finding forgiveness for past failures
– living out their faith each day–especially today
– and finding great hope for the future in Christ!
Last night we went to bed with our hearts exploding with gratitude, joy, and excitement!
What a difference a day makes!
Here is a promise:
If you get your heart and mind beyond the “what if…?”
and refocus on gratitude to the Lord . . .
“The peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard
your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Phlippians 4:7)
For Christ’s Sake,
Pastor Larry
A Note From Pastor Larry

How Do You Share With an Atheist?!
Dear Friends,
I met an avowed atheist on a cruise ship … we are now best friends!
We talk frequently about our beliefs. I have learned a lot from him about how atheists think, and he values my thinking about faith in Christ.
Pastor Shawn (Calvary Community Church) interviewed me about this relationship. Please watch and listen to the video of our interview . . . and share with me if it is helpful to you.
For Christ’s Sake,
Pastor Larry
A Note From Pastor Larry

Are you personally living a Pray-Care-Share lifestyle?!
Dear Friends,
PRAYING – For people around you to know Christ’s love and forgiveness
CARING – Loving people by showing interest in them and their needs
SHARING Christ when appropriate
*This focus enabled Calvary Community Church to impact our neighborhood during my years as senior pastor. Last Sunday, Pastor Shawn encouraged the congregation to Pray, Care and Share
** This is what I’ve taught to pastors in 26 cities across America
***Now I have exciting news to share with you!!
LOOK AT THE VIDEO BELOW of my conversation with Chris Vannetti, who leads this national/international movement:
THE STRATEGY is to equip followers of Christ to love others in their community through living a Prayer-Care-Share life.
It’s already happening through Christ followers:
– Citywide in Orlando, Florida, with 40,000
– Statewide in Rhode Island
– Nationwide in Albania and an unnamed country where believers’ lives are in danger
DATES for Global Prayer-Share-Share campaign are:
– April 22-May 31, 2020 — the GOAL is to see tens of thousands of congregations and businesses participate across the United States and around the world
“100 million Christ-followers Pray for, Love on, and Share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with at least 10 people in their spheres of influence.”
My heart jumps with joy in the Lord to see this practical concept I helped to develop touching the world!!
This is a massive endeavor in the name of Christ.
PRAY & COMMIT to be a part of it. Pray for the people of our nation and the world to find hope in the Lord!!
Please consider supporting my ministry through Cornerstone Network,
Pastor Larry
A Note From Pastor Larry

Who Most Influenced You to Be Who Christ Created You to Be?
Dear Friends,
My son Kirk, and I were invited to share our story with pastors at a spiritual leader conference …
Hope you watch this video and are encouraged.
It is my hope that you enjoy our story and are encouraged about passing your dreams and values to your next generation.
Pastor Larry
A Note From Pastor Larry

Dear Friends,
Recently Joel Rosenberg spoke at a Reagan Library forum. Beccy and I were priveleged to sit with him at dinner afteward. She asked about his encounters with leaders of Arab nations. He shared with us in detail … spending a week with King Abdullah II of Jordan … meeting with El-Sisi of Egypt … Prince Zayed of United Arab Emirates. This is unheard of for a Christian leader to be welcomed by Arab national leaders to discuss religious freedom in their countries!!
Last week more than 1,000 foreign ministers, religious and civic leaders from 100 countries gathered in Washington D.C. for a State Department Conference on advancing religious freedom. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Vice President Pence, and Joel Rosenberg were primary speakers. I think this is amazing in light of all the masacres and persecution of Christians in the last decade. I was compelled by the Lord to share this with you and encourage your prayers for Christians living in the Middle East.
– for millions of Arabs coming to faith in Christ!
FYI Joel Rosenberg is a Jewish Christian, a scholar with focus on prophecy, and a New York Time’s best selling author. Check out his bio and books at
For Christ’s sake,
Pastor Larry
A Note From Pastor Larry

Dear Friends,
Reflecting on our recent Independence Day celebrations, I just felt led by the Lord to write about the special privilege we have as Americans to worship freely and to celebrate our patriotism as we wish.
Beccy and I recently went to Charleston, South Carolina, and visited Saint Michael’s Church where people have worshiped the Lord since 1752.
The docent showed us George Washington’s pew and offered me a rare privilege, “Would you like to sit there and pray?” I sat there, wondering what our first president prayed . . . for our newly formed republic and for himself as the leader.
I found myself humbled, burdened, and praying that our nation would have a renewed awareness of God’s grace and guidance in the creation of this great country!
Please join me in praying daily what I prayed while sitting in President Washington’s pew . . . that the people of our nation would have a renewed awareness of God’s grace and seek His guidance.
For Christ’s sake,
Pastor Larry
A Note From Pastor Larry

Dear Friends,
When Calvary Community Church began in 1976, I remember saying, “Our first priority for children’s ministry is FUN!” Kids need to enjoy coming to church. If they have a good time, they will want to come back. And the door will be wide open to teach them the beautiful Bible stories. They will have open hearts and minds to discover the love and life of Jesus Christ!
* * * * * * * * * * *
Today, that dream has come true, With joy and awe I watched 1,000 kids and leaders in Calvary’s Celebration Center . . . having fun, dancing, clapping, shouting!!! … and singing, “Jesus is my rock.”
Watch the kids and leaders below…
Listen and join them in praising the Lord!
For Christ’s sake,
Pastor Larry
A Note From Pastor Larry

Dear Friends,
I am singing to the Lord with great joy … with this letter in my hands from Florence at God Cares Schools in Uganda!!
Here is the story…
About 20 years ago I met Pastor Bethuel and Florence Dongo from Uganda before a Sunday service at Calvary. I felt compelled by the Lord to introduce them and pray for them in the service.
- They had a burden for the orphaned and homeless children of Uganda…as a result of the AIDS epidemic. Soon Kirk (my son) and I went to see for ourselves and help this little God Cares school, which was meeting in the dark, dingy, church basement with 40 pupils.
We felt compelled to join them in their vision!!
Buyamba’s vision is to empower the orphaned and needy children of Uganda to impact their nation for Christ. Today there are two five-story school buildings, a primary school and a high school, educating and discipling 1800 students.
Just got this wonderful personal note from Florence, ”to thank us for believing the vision.” Notice she calls Beccy and me “dad and mum.”

For Christ’s Sake,
Pastor Larry
A Note From Pastor Larry

Dear Friends,
In 1976, Beccy, our children, and I made the westward journey to Thousand Oaks, California, with a dream to create a fresh model of church life in America that would impact the boomer generation God honored that dream! Starting with six families, Calvary Community Church became one of the nation’s leading church models with literally thousands of families following Christ!
In 2003, when I retired as senior pastor of Calvary, I became founding pastor. The elders of Calvary presented me with a new challenge: Take some of what you’ve learned at Calvary Community to the Church at large.
Cornerstone Network was launched and I didn’t really know where that challenge would lead, but God knew!
Since then I’ve worked with pastors and churches in 26 cities across America with this challenge:
What can you do together to love your community to Christ?
God has allowed me to work with — where 300,000+ people every day look online to learn about Jesus Christ. Usually approximately 40,000 pray and make a decision to follow Christ!! Yes … every day! (The Pray-Care-Share lifestyle which I taught at Calvary is part of their follow strategy.)
I serve on the president’s board for YWAM (Youth With a Mission International) — 18,000 people serving in 180 counties … one of the largest missions on the planet.
We now have the joy of
Living the Legacy!! At home, too:
Watching Calvary Community continue to impact more and more people in a variety of ways through its varied ministries. We know that over 400 people who grew up in their faith at Calvary are now serving Christ in full-time ministry roles all over the world!!
Watching Oaks Christian Schools, we’re surprised with joy…to see a generation learning with excellence to live and serve with a Christian worldview, is joyfully overwhelming!!
Can’t wait to see what God does next. Glad He continues to allow us to see the continuing lagacy!
For Christ’s sake,
Pastor Larry

December 18, 2018
Dear Friend,
On Sunday November 4, Beccy and I attending Godspeak Church. Pastor Rob McCoy asked me to close the service. I prayed this prayer, without knowing itt was prophetic: “None of us knows what will happen next week, but ask God to help you be a light to others around you in the darkness.” Three nights later, we had trouble sleeping and didn’t know why. I got up at 5 a.m., turned on the TV, and saw Pastor Rob, our mayor-elect, speaking to the nation about how to respond to the unimaginable Borderline massacre. Then, within hours, our town had become the epicenter of an inferno. Fires literally surrounded us, destroying so many homes and disrupting so many lives. At 2 a.m., I saw the Vons parking lot filled with evacuated people sleeping in their cars because there was no way out of our community! People keep asking, “What on earth is happening?” and “How can this be happening?” God has focused my mind on Romans 8:28: “We know that all things God works for the good of those who love him.” This does not say … God causes all things. It does not say … all things are good. This massacre was not caused by God but by horrible evil. This Scripture clearly says that God will bring some good out of it in spite of the evil! Are you seeing the good?! I have seen it in many ways …
Calvary Community hosted the memorial service for Sheriff Ron Helus, who gave his life to confront the killer and stop the massacre. I witnessed 6,000 people come to the memorial service – 3,000 were police officers literally from as far away as New York. California’s Governor Brown and our governor-elect Newsom came. They all heard the wonderful story of a man who had met Christ as a youth. His whole life had a new purpose and was the reason for giving his life as he did in service of others. I shook the hands, looked them in the eye, and said a heartfelt “Thank you for your service” to 200+ police officers as they left.
We attended a memorial for Noel, another victim. I had dedicated Noel to the Lord as a baby, for a life service to Christ. Her memorial was attended by over 1,000 young adults. We heard about her amazing story of service to others and her hope in the Lord Jesus Christ. It was literally a time of praise to the Lord, led by the young adult praise team.
I have spoken and wept personally with four of the families whose kids were murdered at Borderline that night.
I helped host an event at the Hyatt to honor the heroes – first responders, hospital emergency teams, counselors and pastors, and young people who risked their lives to rescue friends. One father of one victim asked to speak and said, “Thanks for praying for us, but I want to ask you to pray for the mother of the man who killed my son. She lost her son and is brokenhearted too.”
I spoke with a friend who lost his ranch in the hills of Malibu. Everything burned except the wooden cross at the entrance to his property – his reminder of what’s most important.
I heard another man, who looked at the ashes of his home, say, “My home is lost…but I didn’t lose a son or daughter. I’ll be fine.” The pain of the lost lives continues to be unimaginable, but our greatest tribute is to be better this Christmas.
- To be more thankful for people in our lives and tell them so.
- To be more grateful for the gift of life and hope in Christ and praise Him
- To think more about what’s important and be less consumed by things that really won’t matter when all is said and done.
- Ask God to help you be a better (not bitter) person through your trials and disappointments.
God’s best to you this Christ season!!
Don’t settle for less!
In our incredible Christ,

Pastor Larry
"FAITH IS . . . being sure of what we hope for,
Being certain of what we can't see physically"
Hebrews 11:1
Dear Friend,
Friday night, Beccy and I came home shouting, crying tears of joy and praising God. I was way too excited to sleep, so I wrote this out to share with you! Sixty-three years ago . . . I met Christ . . . and I met Beccy at Wheaton Academy (a Christian high school in Illinois)! That set the focus for the rest of our lives.
Beccy believed that someday we would help birth a Christian high school. Twenty years ago, Calvary Community was meeting in a crowded warehouse building. As we drove by a large, empty building (a relic of the Cold War) that we could see alongside the 101 freeway, I would pray: "God, please give us that property as a home for Calvary Community." And Beccy would pray, "Please let the other half of the property be a Christian high school!" That was our prayer for four years. We could SEE it (with the eyes of faith and a certainty that it would happen!) -- even though we could not see it physically. "FAITH IS . . . being sure of what we hope for. Being sure of what we can't see physically." Hebrews 11:1 It happened! That property became the home of Calvary Community Church and Oaks Christian Schools! ++++++++ FRIDAY NIGHT ... We attended an Oaks Christian High School football game. The game started with a prayer of thanks to the Lord before kickoff. It was an amazing game! And a powerful team! (6-0 this season). Three Oaks team members have been selected to play in the national All-American Bowl next January in Orlando (the "Super Bowl" of high school football). After the game, we went to the Calvary Community Youth Center, where we saw 1200+ youth -- from many high schools in the area -- converge on Calvary's campus after their football games. imagine ... the epicenter -- the place to be -- after football games . . . is at a church! Hanging out, eating, playing games, dancing, laughing -- in a safe and sober environment!! ++++++++ A daughter asked her father if she could go to a party after the football game. He asked, "Where?" She answered, 'At a church with lots of kids from all over the valley." He replied, "I guess it must be okay if it is at a church." Can YOU imagine tons of teens being influenced for good and for God through these fun Friday-night events?!! ++++++++ When God gives you a vision of what He would like to do . . . Keep Christ 1st in your life. Keep praying, keep believing, keep seeing! ++++++++ My Cornerstone Network Vision to network together with others, to have a profound impact on the Church, the Culture, and our World. >>It's happening, here and now !! For Christ’s sake, Pastor Larry P.S. Just want to let you know that this Sunday, October 7, at 10:00 a.m., I'll be speaking at CONEJO CHURCH in Newbury Park, where my son, Kirk DeWitt, serves as pastor. Beccy and I would love to see you and say hello, if you are able to attend!
A Note from Pastor Larry
July 28, 2018
Pastor's Impact Felt
Years After Leaving the Pulpit
Dear Short Salutation,
Beccy and I did an interview with the local ACORN newspaper, reflecting back on the amazing journey and growth of Calvary Community.
Great joy for us to review the miracles and to praise the Lord that we could take this journey with Christ in building His Church!
For Christ’s Sake,
Pastor Larry
If you would like to donate to the ministry of Cornerstone Network:
Mail your check to:
Cornerstone Network
141 Duesenberg Drive, Suite 8
Westlake Village CA 91362
- OR -
Donate via PayPal
at the Cornerstone Website
A Note from Pastor Larry April 20, 2018
Humbled and grateful . . .
Dear Friends,
This last weekend, Pastor Shawn invited me to participate in the services at Calvary Community and speak about faith of past generations and the amazing Calvary story. I had no idea what would happen next . . .
Check out the video below.We are humbled and so grateful that God allowed us the privilege of helping so many people at Calvary find forgiveness, hope, and new life in Christ.
In Christ's incredible name,
Larry and Beccy
How to Share With Just FriendsHow to share with just friends.
Posted by Facebook on Friday, December 5, 2014
March 17, 2018
Dear Friend,
Beccy and I shared a wonderful experience recently with our friends, John and Julie Dawson, international president for Youth With a Mission (YWAM). We stood together at the University of the Nations training center in Kona, Hawaii, and witnessed students from 70 nations as they sang praise and allegiance to Jesus Christ! Scroll down for a glimpse!
I remembered Jesus words, shortly before His crucifixion and resurrection, about His future return to the earth …
"This good news will be preached to all the nations of the world; then the end will come." Matt 24:14
We were overwhelmed by the fact that (for the first time in human history), through YWAM and other ministries, this is happening now!! Praise God -- there are now 18,000 YWAMers in 180 nations, showing and sharing Christ’s love!
This could be the day that Jesus Christ returns!!! Live ready!
For Christ’s Sake,
Pastor Larry
A Note from Pastor Larry February 27, 2018
Dear Friends,
As you know, this great spiritual giant, a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ, graduated to heaven last week. I'd like to share some very personal memories of Billy Graham . . .
When I was a student at Wheaton College, Billy Graham came to speak. I sat behind him, and he autographed my Bible. I did not know that the musician sitting next to and traveling with Billy would later become my father-in-law, Beccy’s dad, Strat Shufelt (J. Stratton Shufelt).
When I was in seminary and engaged to Beccy, the Graham team held a crusade in Chicago. I was with the first grad students invited to be with his team and be mentored re: evangelism. I sat across the table from Billy Graham at his team breakfast, and I will never forget what he said . . . ”Pray for me that I won’t do anything to get in the way of what God is doing in Chicago.” (My greatest lesson on humility!)
Billy also said, “Go and experience the Holy Land before you become a pastor . . . it will change the way you teach God’s Word.” Beccy and I did that! We lived and studied in Israel before our first pastorate.
I’m imagining now the joyous welcome that Billy Graham is receiving from the millions of people to whom he showed the way to Christ! There's rejoicing in heaven!
Pastor Larry
By 2020, individual followers of Christ,
praying for every home in America?
Dear Friend,
Many Christian and ministry leaders have come together to claim that vision.
At a conference of national Christian leaders, I met with a friend, Chris Cooper, who has a strategic role in this great mission. Chris has developed Mapping Center, which has identified and mapped 120 million households in America in a way that individual churches and Christians can agree to pray for them.
- See my brief video conversation below with Chris, who said to me, “You became my inspiration and mentor!”
- And see the second video below, made by the Kendrick Brothers, who have produced several Christian films; i.e., Facing Giants, Fireproof, and War Room.
(Don’t be alarmed when video starts — it’s “Miss Clara,” the prayer warrior in the movie War Room
Take a moment to check out the Mapping Center website.
Be encouraged! Pray for each family in your neighborhood — by name, if you know it.
For Christ’s Sake,
Pastor Larry
February 8, 2018
A Greeting for the New Year!
Dear Friend,
Hope you and your family
had a good Christ season.
The Lord led me today
to pray for YOU . . .
that in this New Year
you will be empowered
to live Christ's new command:
"Love one another,
as I have loved you . . .
This is how people will know
that you're my follower."
John 13:34
In the name of our incredible Christ,
Pastor Larry and Beccy